Hey there! I'm just dropping by on the off chance that anyone is still roaming around these parts.
While this blog was a fun endeavor for me, it wasn't always 100% what I wanted to blog about. Don't get me wrong, I adore lifestyle/fashion blogs, but I am a little more rough around the edges and I just couldn't keep up with running this thing. I cound't make enough content for it and what content I did make was scatterbrained and directionless. I had a lot of fun here, but I have now moved on to something I'm confident I can stick with.
My new blog is called ADVENTUREpls, and it catalogues my life as an explorer. Adventuring through woods and rivers with my dogs is my favorite, and I can't think of a single thing I'd be more likely to blog consistently about.
If you're into nature, dogs, healthy eating, active lifestyles, and all around outdoorsy fun, take a minute to visit ADVENTUREpls. I'm looking forward to reconnecting!